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Jun 24 2024


BYDGOSZCZ, Poland – The Commander of the NATO CIS Group (NCISG), Major General Jürgen Brötz took part in the Distinguished Visitors Day within the Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination eXercise (CWIX), which was hosted at the Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) on 19 June 2024.  

The CWIX is NATO’s premier annual interoperability exercise enabling Digital Interoperability of Allies and Partners. 

CWIX is led by Headquarters Supreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ SACT). The exercise aims to test and validate the interoperability of NATO and partner nations’ Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities. The exercise brings together military and civilian experts from across the alliance to solve complex technical challenges and improve joint operations. 

Major General Jürgen Brötz was invited to share his view on the exercise: 

CWIX constitutes an ideal venue to support optimization and transformation of warfighting functions and C2 not only for SHAPE but across ACO. We look for quick fixes to improve data integration and management. We are experimenting with AI tools to improve our processes, but we are also trying to better identify operational benefits coming from cloud technology, big data and analytics.
CWIX DVD, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 19 June 2024, Major General Jürgen Brötz, NCISG Commander.

General Brötz underlined that: 

CWIX is a venue for testing and experimentation for most of these initiatives. We are currently focused on bridging the gaps to resource the delivery of operational value to NATO

CWIX welcomed participants from numerous NATO member and partner nations. Their collaboration ensures that the systems and procedures tested at CWIX can be applied in real-world scenarios enhancing collective defence capabilities. CWIX improves cross-domain exchange of information to enhance critical decision-making giving NATO commanders and war fighters a persistent operational edge. The outcomes of CWIX have a direct impact on NATO operations. By identifying and addressing interoperability issues, CWIX helps ensure that NATO forces can work together effectively in any situation. As Chairperson of Federated Mission Networking (FMN), General Brötz did not miss the opportunity to talk about interoperability, which is a core element of CWIX and the operational benefits FMN provides to the Alliance.

CWIX DVD, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 19 June 2024, in front on the left: Major General Jürgen Brötz, NCISG Commander.

CWIX DVD, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 19 June 2024, second from the left: Major General Jürgen Brötz, NCISG Commander; in the middle: NATO CIO Manfred Boudreaux-Dehmer; on the right: General Philippe Lavigne.

During CWIX new technologies have been explored intensively within a simulated operational environment. Continuous commitment to interoperability remains a key pillar of NATO’s strategy ensuring the alliance is prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

CWIX is vital component of NATO’s efforts to maintain a unified and effective defence posture. Through rigorous testing, collaboration and innovation, CWIX ensures that NATO and its partners can operate as a cohesive force ready to face any threat together.

CWIX is a cornerstone of NATO’s interoperability efforts. A potential for closer linkages between the CWIX as a venue for FMN testing, validation and verifications as well as experimentation & operational exercised led by ACO with an optimize focus on the Nations, Partners and the NCS for NATO-led operations and missions has been recognized.

Story by Public Affairs Team at NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG).

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