During the ceremony 1NSB HQ, DCMs and M&S Coy of the Unit marched through the barracks at Schill-Kaserne in Wesel, Germany. The parade, attended by many guests, marked the end of Chief Warrant Officer Langevin's four-year term as of 1NSB BSM and the temporary transfer of his responsibilities to Warrant Officer Andrew Crozier, Company Sergeant Major (CSM) of 1NSB M&S Coy. He assumed the duties of the position until the permanent replacement, Chief Warrant Officer Patrick Tremblay, took over as the incoming 1NSB BSM.

Schill-Kaserne, Wesel, Germany, July 4, 2024, in front from left: Warrant Officer Andrew Crozier, CSM of M&S Coy; Chief Warrant Officer Stephane Langevin, outgoing 1NSB Battalion Command Senior Enlisted Leader; 1NSB Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Christian Arendt.
The parade was followed by a lunch at the Casino restaurant within the “Schill-Kaserne”, where Chief Warrant Officer Langevin presented presented a framed collage, honoring the Batallion’s numerous achievements between 2015 and 2021.

Schill-Kaserne, Wesel, Germany, July 4, 2024, Chief Warrant Officer Stephane Langevin, 1NSB Battalion Command Senior Enlisted Leader.
All members of 1NSB would like to take this opportunity to sincerely express gratitude to Chief Warrant Officer Langevin for his outstanding efforts as 1st NATO Signal Battalion BSM and wish him and his family the very best for the future.
On August 20, 2024, Chief Warrant Officer Patrick Tremblay, who had just arrived from Canada, took over from Warrant Officer Andrew Crozier and officially assumed his duties as 1NSB BSM in front of the 1NSB Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Christian Arendt and all the HQ personnel present. His mandate will last at least 3 years with great challenges ahead. We wish him all the best in this very important role within the battalion.

Schill-Kaserne, Wesel, Germany, August 20, 2024, in front from left: Chief Warrant Officer Patrick Tremblay, incoming 1NSB Battalion Command Senior Enlisted Leader; 1NSB Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Christian Arendt; Warrant Officer Andrew Crozier, CSM of M&S Coy.

Schill-Kaserne, Wesel, Germany, August 20, 2024, in front from left: Warrant Officer Andrew Crozier, CSM of M&S Coy; Chief Warrant Officer Patrick Tremblay, incoming 1NSB Battalion Command Senior Enlisted Leader; 1NSB Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Christian Arendt.