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Oct 25 2024

Academics and IPC conference for STEADFAST COBALT 25 Exercise in Istanbul organized by NATO CIS Group

ISTANBUL, Türkiye was the venue for a crucial phase of the preparation for Exercise STEADFAST COBALT 25, organized by the NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG).  

STEADFAST COBALT is a large scale NATO exercise aimed at improving the communication infrastructure, technical interoperability and cyber defence mechanisms of the Alliance. 

The Academics and IPC conference, conducted from 14 – 18 October 2024, played a key role in the further development of STEADFAST COBALT 25. The event brought together military leaders and technical experts to shape the strategic direction of STEADFAST COBALT 25. Furthermore, it provided a platform for all stakeholders to discuss objectives, the operational framework and to achieve the necessary coordination between NATO members.

STCO25 Participants, 14 October 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye.

During various syndicate groups at the IPC, military leaders and experts shared knowledge and best practices on topics such as communications, cybersecurity and secure networking. This cross-sectional exchange was essential to foster innovation in military communications and to ensure that NATO’s forces are well-prepared for future challenges. 

STEADFAST COBALT 25 aims at strengthening the Alliance’s ability to respond to complex and emerging threats in a fast-evolving digital battlefield.

Story by Public Affairs Team at NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG).

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