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Apr 25 2024

1NSB DCM F marked 10 years of service with special anniversary celebration

PLESO, Croatia – on April 11, 2024, the Deployable Communications Module F (DCM F) of the 1st NATO Signal Battalion (1NSB) celebrated a significant milestone - its 10th anniversary since establishment.  

The event brought together DCM F staff members, 1NSB Commander - Lieutenant Colonel Christian Arendt and his Battalion Sergeant Major - Chief Warrant Officer Stéphane Langevin, Commander of the Croatian Cyber Command - Colonel Daor Dabo accompanied by his Command Sergeant-Major Stipica Bolanca, representatives of G6 of the Croatian Army Command , as well as former commanders, sergeant-majors and former staff members of DCM F.

The ceremony, presided over by the Commander of the Croatian Cyber Command Colonel Dabo, became a platform for expression of appreciation and recognition. 

10th anniversary at 1NSB DCM F, lectern: Commander of DCM F, Captain Sasa Herceg, 11 April 2024, Pleso, Croatia.

1NSB Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Arendt was honoured to present the NCISG Team Award to DCM F members who were deployed to NATO Mission Iraq, acknowledging their exemplary teamwork and dedication. On behalf of the NMI Team, the Award was received by Lieutenant Matija Sabadija.

10th anniversary at 1NSB DCM F, 11 April 2024, Pleso, Croatia .

Additionally, the NCISG Individual Recognition Award was presented to the NATO Deployable CIS Detachment Team Leader, Staff Sergeant Dario Candar for outstanding leadership during Exercise COBALT CLOUD 23.

10th anniversary at 1NSB DCM F, from left: Staff Sergeant Dario Candar, on the right: Lieutenant Colonel Christian Arendt, 11 April 2024, Pleso, Croatia.

The occasion also provided an opportunity to recognize three members for their outstanding participation in Exercise AUSTERE CHALLENGE 24. 1NSB Certificates of appreciation were presented to: Lance-Corporal Matija Bulat, Corporal Bernard Nikolic and Corporal Marijan Sertic. 

10th anniversary at 1NSB DCM F, from right: Lance-Corporal Matija Bulat, Corporal Bernard Nikolic and Corporal Marijan Sertic, 11 April 2024, Pleso, Croatia.

Following the formal proceedings, the event concluded with a delightful lunch, fostering bonds and memories among attendees. 

As the anniversary celebration came to an end, it served as a reminder of the dedication and professionalism that DCM F has exemplified over the past decade. With a renewed sense of purpose, DCM F looks forward to continuing its mission with unwavering commitment and excellence. 

10th anniversary at 1NSB DCM F, 11 April 2024, Pleso, Croatia.

Story by Public Affairs Team at NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG).

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