Major General Schlӧsser, in the first instance, thanked all NATO allies and partners from Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and USA, who contributed units to NATO Response Forces (NRF) 2024 and Joint Command and Control Capability (JC2C) 2024 Headquarters, for their outstanding achievements during the STEADFAST COBALT 23 Exercise.
Commander said:
I very much appreciate your pro-active approach attitude in overcoming challenges related to the efficient execution of STEADFAST COBALT 23 Exercise in a hybrid environment that also included physical separation and distance. I congratulate every one of you for making this STEADFAST COBALT Exercise an incredible success despite many difficulties.

VTC from the STCO23 Recognition Ceremony, Mons, Belgium, May 5, 2023, Major General Frank Schlӧsser, COM NCISG.
Then, the recognitions were presented to 127 military and civilian personnel in recognition of their remarkable achievements in the conduct of exercise.
Major General Schlӧsser concluded the ceremony stating:
I have no doubt that you all have served with distinction for which you should be very proud. Let me congratulate all of you for well-deserved coins, letters of appreciation, Commander’s and Chief of Staff’s certificates.

VTC from the STCO23 Recognition Ceremony, Mons, Belgium, May 5, 2023, online participants.