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Sep 18 2023

Exercise COBALT CLOUD 2023

COBALT CLOUD 2023 (COCL23), an Allied Command Operations (ACO) sponsored NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG) Training Exercise held at NATO’s Training Area of Bergen, in Germany, ended on 17 September 2023. It began on 21 August 2023 and involved participants drawn from 23 Troop Contributing Nations.  

COBALT CLOUD demonstrates NCISG’s ability to enable Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)’s Command and Control (C2) capabilities for a NATO-led Crisis Response Operation (CRO) in a multi-Joint Operations Area (JOA) scenario. The aim is to train NCISG assets and validate its ability to rapidly deploy Communications and Information Systems (CIS). The exercise is to validate internal processes and procedures with an increased focus on logistics and C2 processes. It also enables interoperability, skills and capabilities required to combat increasingly complex security threats in the cyberspace domain, in accordance with SACEUR’s Deterrence and Defense (DDA) of the Euro-Atlantic Area Concept. 

COBALT CLOUD is an opportunity to train and exercise the delivery of DCIS support, and sets conditions for the NCISG high-readiness posture under DDA. Through this exercise, NATO Allies’ remain united with a strong commitment and ability to defend the Alliance.

Range shooting at the NATO Training Area Bergen, Germany, September 14, 2023.

Background information: 

COBALT CLOUD 23 was executed via the hybrid employment environment, which involved NATO Response Force (NRF23) units remaining in their NATO Signal Battalion’ (NSB) Peacetime Locations, and NRF24 and other elements across the Headquarters and NSBs deploying to NATO Training Area Bergen in Germany. More than thirty NATO DCIS Detachments (NDDs) were involved across Europe. 

COBALT CLOUD 23 was three times larger than Exercise STEADFAST COBALT 23 in terms of NDDs and DCIS Support Groups (DSGs) integration, with participants drawn from 23 Troop Contributing Nations, as well as NATO Headquarters and components.

Story by Public Affairs Team at NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG).

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