After a ‘get to know the team’ meeting in the MoD Stafford HQ, the group made its way down to the site of the DCM-D build, donning high visibility vests, helmets and grabbing silver shovels to ‘break the ground.’ Having Mr Matt Galas, representing NCISG, Captain Des Hill, representing 1 NSB, Major Rich Wall and Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Ryan Roberts representing DCM-D as well as representatives from 1 (UK) Signal Brigade, who support the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps HQ, sent a strong message about the importance of this project within NATO.

Beginning of construction of NCISG 1NSB DCM-D, Stafford, UK, June 29, 2023, key stakeholders.
After the formal ceremony a briefing was delivered on the how the building will be sited within the area allocated and the next key steps, including the Prime Contractor getting a better understanding of the DCM’s requirements. DCM-D is very much looking forward to moving to Stafford and being in a building that will allow it to deliver an even wider range of Deployed CIS services to the NATO community. The presence of other GBR facing NATO units, will allow the development of skills and the fostering of even stronger bonds between Great Britain and NATO soldiers.

Beginning of construction of NCISG 1NSB DCM-D, Stafford, UK, June 29, 2023, second from the left: Matt Galas, NCISG LEGAD.