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Aug 11 2023


BYDGOSZCZ, Poland – Lieutenant Colonel Karel Mazanek relinquished command of the 3rd NATO Signal Battalion (3NSB) to Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Matuszek on Thursday, 27 July, 2023 during a Change of Command ceremony presided over by Major General Frank Schlösser, Commander NATO Communication and Information Systems Group (NCISG). 

The ceremony has been preceded by the medal ceremony. Firstly, Lieutenant Colonel Karel Mazanek was awarded the Polish Army and Slovak Army Medals, while the 3NSB Battalion Sergeant Major (BSM), Command Sergeant Major Miroslav Ferenc was awarded the Polish Army Medal.

The Slovak Army medal ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, on the left: Lieutenant Colonel Karel Mazanek.
The Polish medal ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, Command Sergeant Major Miroslav Ferenc.

The awardees were recognized for their active engagement, outstanding contribution to international cooperation and promotion of common values. 

Next, COM NCISG, Major General Schlösser, presented, on behalf of the NATO Secretary General, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal to Second Lieutenant Zydrune Maksimoviciute. COM NCISG mentioned that Second Lieutenant Zydrune Maksimoviciutehas upheld the finest traditions of the Alliance by exhibiting courage, outstanding leadership and through an exceptional contribution, which has brought great credit on herself and earned the respect and gratitude of everyone represented by the Alliance.

The NATO MSM is the highest international military award presented to members of NATO, who distinguished themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement of service to the Alliance.


The NATO Meritorious Service Medal ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, on the right: Second Lieutenant Zydrune Maksimoviciute.

Then, the Change of Command ceremony took place.


The Change of Command ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023.

COM NCISG emphasized that the change of command took place during a very challenging period when 3NSB has been involved in several operations such as NATO Mission in Iraq, NATO Support to Turkey and Operation Allied SOLACE in Kosovo. Major General Schlösser said:

With the Russian invasion into the Ukraine nothing is the same anymore in Europe. We have to be prepared that aggression against our values of democracy and freedom is a possibility. This is why the NCISG mission is so important. We deliver the communications whenever is needed, wherever is needed and on short notice. The 3NSB is a crucial element of NCISG with a very high standard in readiness, training and motivation.

Major General Schlösser appreciated Lieutenant Colonel Mazanek for his commitment; he was always calm and thoughtful. He said:

You are the prototype of a good soul, a real team player and in the same way somebody who stays strong even when the wind is blowing hard in your direction.

Major General Schlösser thanked for his outstanding leadership and wished all the best in his new challenging position as Senior Leader Officer within the Czech General Staff CIS Division.

The Change of Command ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, from left to right: incoming 3NSB COM, Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Matuszek; Major General Frank Schlösser, COM NCISG; outgoing 3NSB COM, Lieutenant Colonel Karel Mazanek.


Lieutenant Colonel Mazanek’s wife, Mrs Hana Mazankova, 3NSB COM’s wife, was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers as a token of appreciation for her support given to the 3NSB community.

Finally, Major General Schlösser gave a warm welcome to Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Matuszek who took over the command of 3NSB. He said:

As “an insider” – you commanded Deployable CIS Module Bravo (DCM B) of 3NSB – you have all the knowledge, background and experience to be a good Commander.

The formal transfer of responsibility and authority was followed by the passing of Colors The outgoing Commander presented the Colours to COM NCISG, who in his turn presented the Colors to the incoming Commander. This ceremony signifies the transfer of command and responsibility from one commander to another.


The Change of Command ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, from the left to right: Major General Frank Schlösser, COM NCISG; Lieutenant Colonel Karel Mazanek.


The Change of Command ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, second from the left: Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Matuszek; in the middle: Major General Frank Schlösser, COM NCISG.

The Change of Command ceremony concluded with the Battalion Sergeant Major Change of Responsibility ceremony between the outgoing BSM, Command Sergeant Major Miroslav Ferenc and the incoming BSM, Command Sergeant Major Michal Zelenak. The NCISG Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Command Sergeant Major Andreas Mertz presided the ceremony. The military sabre was passed from the outgoing BSM to the incoming BSM; this signifies the importance of the non-commissioned officers in the NATO CIS units.

The Change of Command ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, from the left: Command Sergeant Major Michal Zelenak; NCISG Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Command Sergeant Major Andreas Mertz; from the right: Command Sergeant Major Miroslav Ferenc.


The event ended with the retiring of the Colours. Music was provided by the military band of Torun, led by Sergeant Major Andrzej Bogusz.


The Change of Command ceremony, Bydgoszcz, Poland, July 27, 2023, Military Band from Torun.

Story by Public Affairs Team at NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG).

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