NCISG HQ and NATO Signal Battalions (NSBs) are operationally capable to plan, deliver and support Allied Operations and Missions with Deployable Communications and Information Systems (CIS) support from Peacetime Vigilance Activities through Crisis to Conflict up to Maximum Level of Effort.
A smooth integration of newly arrived NCISG HQ staff is necessary in order to maintain a high level of readiness. In this respect, newly arrived staff members are required to complete a two-day NCISG Induction Training aimed at speeding up their integration and familiarization with the specifics of the NCISG.
This two-day training started in Mons, on 19 and 22 September, 2022 with a series of academic sessions and lectures covering staff organization and roles, security and finance procedures as well as key ongoing activities and challenges.
The participants of the NCISG Induction Training for “newcomers”, SEP 22, 2022, Mons, Belgium.
The training continued in Wesel, Germany on October 6, 2022 with a “familiarization visit” at 1NSB HQ, in Schill-Kaserne. The 1NSB leadership - Commander, Colonel Michael PAUL and CSEL - Command Sergeant Major Stephane LANGEVIN welcomed and introduced the NCISG HQs staff to 1NSB's leadership, structure in a plenary session. This was followed by a visit to various DCIS static display, where the 1NSB staff diligently and professionally shared their knowledge and experience with the use of said equipment both in NATO operations and exercises.