NCISG DCOM/COS, Brigadier General CARPINETO accompanied by his Military Assistant (MA) LtCol Pasquale Communara and NCISG Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Chief Master Sergeant Andreas Merz were welcomed by the NCISG 1NSB DCM-D Commander, Major Richard WALL at the DCM-D Headquarters. Major Wall presented the command philosophy that is practiced in the DCM. He stressed that the command of DCM-D focuses on transparency, openness and facilitating clear communication.
Visit 1NSB DCM-D, 15 November 2022, on the left: Brigadier General Luigi Carpineto, DCOM/COS NCISG; on the right: NCISG 1NSB DCM-D Commander, Major Richard Wall.
Among the topics discussed during the visit were the planned relocation of DCM-D to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) base at Stafford, a new purpose-built facility; GBR Host Nation support; and the upcoming deployment to the NATO Mission in Iraq. Brigadier General Carpineto gave guidance on how best to deliver these challenging tasks. The final briefs focused on DCM’s involvement in recent successful exercises and operations led by Team Leaders Sergeant Clarke and Sergeant Ansell. These sessions focused on the lessons learned from these deployments and how they can be applied to future deployments.
Visit 1NSB DCM-D, 15 November 2022, on the left: Sergeant Clarke; in the middle: Brigadier General Luigi Carpineto, DCOM/COS NCISG; on the right: Sergeant Ansell.
The Commandant of the Defence School of CIS and the GBR Host Nation representative, Colonel Jon Davies, joined the afternoon session. Colonel Davies presented information on Host Nation support and the future of Blandford Camp.
The visit ended at the shooting range at the Blandford Garrison, where members of the DCM-D were conducting a grouping and zeroing range, in preparation for marksmanship training later in the week, and the DCM-D team briefed the NCISG DCOM/COS on the GBR weapons system, the SA-80 A2.

Visit 1NSB DCM-D, 15 November 2022, in the middle: Brigadier General Luigi Carpineto, DCOM/COS NCISG.