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May 3 2022


MONS, Belgium – Steadfast Cobalt 2022 is NATO's largest Communications and Information Systems exercise, which will be conducted by the NATO CIS Group from 25 April to 10 June 2022 with NATO Force Structure CIS elements.

Steadfast Cobalt 2022 (STCO22) is a SHAPE sponsored, 3-level, Command, Control, Communication, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Interoperability verification and validation exercise, which is based on the Operational Commanders' requirements and ensures command and control services for the NATO Response Force. The main body of STCO22 is comprised of the NRF2023 Headquarters and USEUCOM (USA).

The main goal of the exercise is to plan, prepare, establish, test, evaluate and validate the C4ISR services provided to support NATO Response Force 2023 (NRF2023).

The exercise aims to enable NRF2023 units and headquarters to join the NRF Mission Network effectively with the latest network configurations standards that promulgate defence of data. Importantly, the exercise was designed so that all Headquarters and units will participate from Peace Time Locations during all phases of the exercise with no specific Host Nation lead. 

This year NATO Allies and partners who dedicate units to NRF will participate, with 19 NATO Command Structure and 14 NATO Force Structure units in the exercise. Up to now NAC approved 9 countries to be involved as observers.

Story by NATO Communications and Information Systems Group.

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