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 Oct 11 2021

New NCISG HQ staff visit 1st NATO Signal Battalion (1NSB)

WESEL, Germany – Newly arrived NATO CIS Group (NCISG) HQ staff members visited 1st NATO Signal Battalion (1NSB) in Wesel, Germany on the SEP 22, 2021 to get familiarized with the capabilities that NCISG deploys.


The visitors and 1 NSB leadership at the Familiarization Day at 1 NSB, SEP 22, 2021 .

During the summer period, new personnel arrived at NCISG HQ to take up their duties and responsibilities from their predecessors. In order to get the "newcomers" up to speed with NCISG processes and procedures an Induction Training was organized by NCISG HQ J7 in cooperation with 1NSB. This two-day training started in Mons; the staff was briefed on the Group's organization, mission statement, ongoing activities and challenges, as well as staff work.

The participants of the NCISG Induction Training for "newcomers", SEP 13, 2021, Mons, Belgium. 

The participants of the NCISG Induction Training for "newcomers", SEP 13, 2021, Mons, Belgium.

The Induction continued on SEP 22, 2021 with a visit to 1NSB HQ at the Schill-Kaserne in Wesel, Germany. The 1NSB leadership - Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Torsten PETERS; Deputy Commander - Major Stephen GIBBONS, and S3 Chief - Major Jens ALSING welcomed and introduced the NCISG HQs staff to 1NSB's leadership, structure and organization during a plenary session.

The participants of the NCISG Induction Training for "newcomers", SEP 22, 2021, Wesel, Germany.   

This was followed by a visit to various static displays where the respective staff had the opportunity to become familiarized with the DCIS equipment. The 1NSB staff eagerly and actively shared their knowledge and experience with the use of the CIS equipment both in operations and exercises, answering numerous questions related to their capabilities and technical specifications.

Familiarization Day at 1 NSB, SEP 22, 2021, Wesel, Germany.   

At the end of the event, the 1 NSB Commander - Lieutenant Colonel Torsten PETERS expressed his hope that the visit was beneficial, helping the HQ newcomers to better understand how a NATO Signal Battalion operates and is equipped to discharge its assigned missions. He thanked his staff for their efforts in preparing the event and requested the HQ staff to share their insights and impressions with their colleagues back in Mons. The HQ staff emphasized that the visit proved to be beneficial and assured the battalion's staff of their full support during their future endeavors.

Story by NATO Communications and Information Systems Group.

Familiarization Day at 1 NSB, SEP 22, 2021, Wesel, Germany.
Familiarization Day at 1 NSB, SEP 22, 2021, Wesel, Germany. 
Familiarization Day at 1 NSB, SEP 22, 2021, Wesel, Germany.
Familiarization Day at 1 NSB, SEP 22, 2021, Wesel, Germany.

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