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 Feb 8 2021


Mons, Belgium - The Acting Commander, NCISG Brigadier General Hans Folmer, presented one staff member with the NATO Meritorious Service Medal (MSM), three staff members with the SACEUR Recognition Award (SRA), eight NCISG Commander’s Individual Awards and one Unit Award.

Due to COVID19 restrictions, the ceremony for NCISG HQ personnel took place in the Commander’s office.

OF-3 Thierry De Buyser was presented with the NATO MSM. This award was issued on behalf of NATO’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, for outstanding service during NATO service and consists of a medal and a certificate signed by the NATO SecGen.

Mr Andrew Barnes, Mr Miguel Suarez Fernandez and OR-6 Shaun Frappier were each presented with the SRA which takes the form of a wooden plaque with a framed, personal letter signed by SACEUR. The SRA was established to recognise exceptional service and outstanding individual achievement in a way that may be career-enhancing for the recipient.

OF-2 Kayode Adeoti, Mr Carlos Ayestaran, Ms Angie Cassidy, Mr David Gilbert, OR-7 John Hadzor, OF-2 Tor Espen Sommerseth and OF-2 Gheorghe Udrea were all presented with the NCISG Commander’s Individual Award; and the J8 received NCISG Commander’s Unit Award.

BGen Folmer recognized the exceptional achievement, commitment, ingenuity and leadership of NCISG personnel and thanked the recipients for their outstanding performance and services to the Alliance.

Story by NATO Communications & Information systems Group Public Affairs Office

Brigadier General Folmer, Mr. Andrew Barnes, Major Thierry de Buyser, Command Sergeant Major Knoeringer
Brigadier General Folmer, Mr. Miguel Suarez Fernandez, Sergeant Frappier, Command Sergeant Major Knoeringer
Brigadier General Folmer, Master Sergeant Hadzor, Mr. Carlos Ayestaran, Command Sergeant Major Knoeringer
Brigadier General Folmer, Captain Adeoti, Lieutenant Tor Espen Sommerseth, Command Sergeant Major Knoeringer

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