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Jul 15 2021


MONS, Belgium – Major General Frank Schlösser, Commander of the NATO CIS Group (NCISG) and DCOS Cyberspace, conducted a ceremony for the change of responsibility NCISG Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff from Brigadier General Hans Folmer to Brigadier General Luigi Carpineto on 15 July 2021.

Major General Frank Schlӧsser spoke about the unique role of the NCISG Deputy Commander and the Chief of Staff NCISG that Brigadier General Hans Folmer had carried out from August 2018 through to July 2021. Major General Schlӧsser underlined that Brigadier General Folmer was not only DCOM/COS, but had been on several occasions the Acting NCISG Commander and executed all duties in an exemplary fashion.

You took the challenge and you sailed the ship called the NCISG very safely through stormy waters with many icebergs. I have to admit that the way you did was very impressive. It is your clear thinking, your structured way of working, your leadership and your transparency, which made the difference. The most impressive aspect of your outstanding character is that you never lost your military family from your radar.
Major General Schlösser, COM NCISG, Change of Responsibility ceremony, 15 July 2021
Major General Schlösser and Brigadier General Folmer

Major General Schlӧsser thanked Brigadier General Hans Folmer for his years of serving NCISG and wished him luck for his return to the Netherlands with his family. Furthermore, he warmly welcomed Brigadier General Luigi Carpineto to take up the gauntlet as the new NCISG Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff and wishing him a perfect start with his team in his new post.

Handing over the responsibility to Brigadier General Luigi Carpineto, Brigadier General Hans Folmer gave an overview of his experiences with NCISG. Additionally, he underlined that during COVID-19 the NATO Signal Battalions (NSBs), Deployable Communications Modules (DCMs) and all members of NCISG showed they are capable of adapting to new situations. A lot of creativity was shown at all levels, new kinds of exercises implemented locally, leadership from the DCM Commanders to deal with small teams, divisions working from home and new capabilities developed to support all of this. Brigadier General Folmer stated:

I think that we all reinvented ourselves, and worked in a more pragmatic way where we managed to deal with this crisis. I am very grateful for that and for all the support.
Brigadier General Carpineto, Major General Schlösser and Brigadier General Folmer
Brigadier General Carpineto, Major General Schlösser and Brigadier General Folmer

Brigadier General Hans Folmer stated in his speech that he was grateful to have experienced the leadership at SHAPE and from so many great commanders at NCISG. The General thanked all the representatives from the Cyberspace Directorate and the NCISG staff as well as his personal staff. Brigadier General Folmer concluded with a message to the new DCOM/COS:

It is a difficult job, fourteen different locations, twenty three different nationalities, all working together, but it is a great job! I wish you all the luck you need and I am sure that they all will support you.

Brigadier General Luigi Carpineto, after taking over his responsibility as the NCISG Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, in his response to NCISG Commander expressed deep gratitude for the honor of being the new Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the NCISG. He thanked Brigadier General Hans Folmer for his support during last two weeks and for sharing his experience and knowledge.

Upon conclusion of the Ceremony, the Generals shook hands while maintaining the COVID-19 measures.

Story by NATO Communications and Information Systems Group

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