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Oct 19 2021

1st NATO Signal Battalion DCM-A deployed in Qatar

DOHA, Qatar – A small team from 1NSB DCM-A, under the command of the NATO DCIS Detachment (NDD) Commander OR-8 Marc Andre Reichardt, deployed to Qatar to provide CIS services in support of OPERATION ALLIED SOLACE.


Left: NDD Commander OR-8 Reichert, Deputy NDD Commander OR-7 Duering, OR-6 Neufeld, September 2021

JFC Naples members, Qatar, September 2021

After the setup was completed and the equipment was operational, it ran uninterrupted until the end of the mission. The 1NSB DCM-A team deployed back to their peacetime location, proudly reporting "mission successfully completed".


Arranged transport for the selected Afghans, September 2021

Story by NATO Communications and Information Systems Group.

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