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3rd NATO Signal Battalion Change of Command Ceremony

Bydgoszcz, Poland - 3rd NATO Signal Battalion has a new Commander. The change of command took place in NATO Rejewski Barracks in Bydgoszcz (POL) on 31 January 2020. Lieutenant Colonel Michal KLEMENT (CZE A) handed over the command to Lieutenant Colonel Karel MAZANEK (CZE A). The ceremony was officiated by NATO CIS Group Acting Commander Brigadier General Hans FOLMER (NDL A).
Before the act of passing the Colours, French Senior National Representative in Bydgoszcz Colonel Georges REICHERT (FRA A) awarded LTC Michal KLEMENT with the French National Defense Bronze Medal. Moreover, as a part of the ceremony NATO CIS Group Acting Commander Brigadier General Hans FOLMER awarded personnel from 3NSB DCM E for their service during deployment in NATO Mission Iraq in 2019 with NATO "Non-Article-5" Medal.
Passing the Colours, the Military Change of Command formalizes the transfer of responsibility and authority between one military commander and another, through history the Colours have marked the location of the commander and served as a source of great pride for those in the unit. This tradition continues today.

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