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NCISGs 2NSB DCM-C supports LANDCOM at Menorca (ESP) for Exercise TRJA-19

Menorca (ESP) 01 October 2019 – NCISG’s 2NSB Deployable CIS Module (DCM) C was sent to MENORCA (ESP) to support Commander LANDCOM (Izmir, TUR) with deployable networks and assets, providing LANDCOM access to the exercise network of TRIDENT JACKAL 2019 (TRJA-19). The set-up of such networks and assets is generally referred to as a DCIS Point of Presence (or DPoP).
Many of the DPoP materiel has very colourful names like "Dragon Fly”. DCM personnel know exactly how to operate them, and how to provide the services to the supported headquarters. In order to do that, the facilities hosting the – in this example – Dragon Fly and the Satcom connectivity, a cantonment area is set-up. This has to be ready before the exercise starts. For TRJA-19 this was early October.
Dragon Fly systems are built up in special tents. First floor tiles are emplaced, then the Dragonfly tents are set-up. Next effort is to set-up the Helpdesk/Admin tents for the DCM personnel. Then power generation and A/C power cables are installed, while the satellite terminals are put in the most optimal location. For TRJA-19 finally 445 computer systems (user equipment) were connected to the DPoP.
LTG Thomson, the LANDCOM CDR, showed his gratitude for the services provided and troubleshooting efforts of 2NSB DCM-C at the conclusion of the exercise. He even presented his commander’s coin to SGT Gordon, specifically for his outstanding work with VTC connections.

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