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NCISG HQ new staff visit 1 NATO Signal Battalion (1NSB)

WESEL, Germany – Newly arrived NATO CIS Group (NCISG) HQ staff members visited 1 NATO Signal Battalion (1NSB) in Wesel, Germany on the SEP 18, 2019 to get familiarized with the capabilities that NCISG deploys.
During summer period many NCISG HQ personnel ended their tour, and handed over their knowledge of roles, tasks and responsibilities to their successors. In order to get the "newcomers” up to speed with NCISG practices and resources the yearly newcomer introduction program was organized. This two-day program started in Mons where all NCISG staff divisions inform the newcomers about the group’s organization, mission statement, missions and staff work.
The pinnacle of the introduction period was the second day: a visit to 1NSB HQ at the Schill-Kaserne in Wesel, Germany. This year the NCISG newcomers were accompanied by some SHAPE Cyber Directorate staff members that work closely together with the NCISG HQ. Major René KALL, chief S3 1NSB, welcomed the group after the bus ride from Mons, Belgium and introduced them to the 1NSB’s leadership, structure and organization.
After lunch, Major Kall guided the group through a static display of the main DCIS equipment, where soldiers from 1NSB eagerly and actively shared their experience and knowledge of DCIS with the newcomers and answered all their questions.
At the end of the visit, the 1NSB Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Torsten Peters addressed the group. He concluded that the day was very educational and useful, expressing his appreciation of the effort made to meet his people, and the interest shown in his materiel. He encouraged the newcomers to share their new insights and impressions with colleagues in Mons.
The group was very satisfied with the day’s outcome and returned back to Mons.

The visitors and 1NSB leadership pictured at the Familiarization Day 18 SEP in Wesel,  Germany

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