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NCISG HQ Family Barbecue and Hail & Farewell

Mons, Belgium - The NCISG HQ Family Barbecue and Hail & Farewell, hosted by the Deputy Commander, Brigadier General Hans Folmer and his wife Julia, took place at SHAPE, Casteau, on 13th June.

Brigadier General Folmer welcomed Major General Wolfgang Renner, the Commander NCISG and the NCISG family members. He had a special word of welcome for the family members, telling them, "We have just finished the largest NCISG Exercise, Steadfast Cobalt, and all the troops returned home safely. You all contributed to the success, facilitating the work of the soldiers, allowing them to do their work. This event is also to honour you and thank you for the support and the patience you have with us when your loved one is on TDY, on exercise or on mission.”

Brigadier General Folmer then went on to welcome seven newcomers, and presented certificates of appreciation to 10 staff members who are leaving to start new chapters in their lives. He also took this opportunity to congratulate 3 families who have had babies this year, and gave them each a small gift from the Group.

Finally, Major General Renner presented an Individual Award to Major Laurent De Moor for his outstanding contributions to the Group during his three year tour.

After the formalities of the presentations, the fun began! With plenty of food, a bouncy castle and a dunk tank, a wonderful relaxing evening was had by everyone.

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