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Change of responsibility ceremony

MONS, Belgium - Major General Wolfgang E.Renner, Commander of the NATO CIS Group (NCISG), conducted a ceremony for the handover of responsibilities as the NCISG Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) from Command Sergeant Major Stefan Theobalt to Command Sergeant Major Peter Josef Knoeringer.

Command Sergeant Major Stefan Theobalt was NCISG’s first Senior Enlisted Leader, and his performance in post was recognized by Major General RENNER, who stated ”Not only was he completely involved in the professional development of our personnel, he also worked to enhance the atmosphere of NCISG as a ‘family,’ His hard work and dedication are reflections of his competence as a leader and his professionalism as a soldier.” Command Sergeant Major Peter Josef Knoeringer is assigned to us from the German support Unit here in SHAPE with his family, who were welcomed by the COM.

NCISG CSEL serves as the primary advisor to the Commander on the issues of NATO Military "Other Ranks" (OR) personnel. The CSEL provides support and assistance to the other Command Senior Enlisted Leaders/Senior Non-Commissioned Officers and also supports the Education and Training facilities throughout NATO. The CSEL represents the NATO CIS Group at community and civic functions along with many more duties.
Story by NCISG

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