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Award Ceremony

NATO CIS Group Awards Ceremony held in SHAPE, Belgium

12 December 2018

MONS, BelgiumThe Commander of the NATO CIS Group (NCISG), Major General Wolfgang Renner, presided over the annual NCISG Awards Ceremony on 12 December 2018. This ceremony is held at the conclusion of the Commander NCISG’s winter conference and is the occasion at which personnel who have distinguished themselves throughout the preceding year are recognized. 


Major General Renner presented 35 Individual Recognition Awards to staff from the HQ and the Battalions, 5 Team Awards; these are to recognise significant achievements and performances of ad hoc teams, which may consist of members taken from across different units or even Battalions.  Three of the Team Awards were presented for work related to Trident Juncture 2018, one to the NATO Mission Iraq Planning Team, and the final one to the 3rd NATO Signal Battalion (NSB), Battalion Readiness Inspection Team. Finally, three Unit Awards were presented: one each to 1st NSB, DCM-F; 2nd NSB, DCM-D; and 3rd NSB, DCM-A.


Major General Renner concluded by thanking everyone for their hard work in support of the NCISG, and wished them all Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year.



Story by NCISG Public Affairs Office

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