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NATO CIS Group Redeployment from Exercise TRJE18 Finalized

The last unit from NATO CIS Group arrived back at its home location on 07 December 2018 at 20.00 hrs. The Deployable CIS Module A, from 3rd NATO Signal Battalion started its deployment in support of Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 (TRJE18) on 09th September from BYDGOSCZ/POLAND to NORWAY via a road move and has now returned safely to its home base.
In total, the Group deployed a Headquarters element and 14 Deployable CIS Units to support certification of the new NATO Response Force 2019 during the TRJE18 Command Post Exercise and the largest NATO Real Life Exercise in the previous decade of NATO. The Headquarters Element, the Signal Support Group HQ, was posted at NAPLES ensuring operational support for the Joint Force Command and operating and managing the Exercise CIS Networks.
The units, coming from all of the three NATO Signal Battalions across Europe, had deployed from their home locations at the beginning September to sites in NORWAY, SWEDEN and FINLAND. The largest distance to be passed was about 2800 kilometres from a location Italy.
At the end of the Exercise all NATO CIS Group elements where certified by Commander Joint Force Naples to be operationally ready for NRF19.
Major General Renner, Commander NATO CIS Group, expressed his sincere appreciation to his personnel for the great work and excellent achievements in installing, operating and maintaining complex CIS Networks in permanent close coordination with NATO Communications and Information Agency and 14 different National CIS Network entities across Europe and in CANADA.
NATO CIS Group, as NATO’s Deployable CIS Force provider is a key enabler for the Command and Control of Operational Commanders during Allied Operations and Missions. The certified units will now be kept at highest readiness level in case NRF19 is activated.
Story by NCISG Public Affairs Office


NATO CIS Group unit from 3rd NATO Signal Battalion
supporting the Joint Logistics Support Group in NORWAY.

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