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Chief Master Sergeant Andreas MERZ

Chief Master Sergeant (OR-9) Andreas MERZ is the NATO Communication and Information Service Group third Command Senior Enlisted Leader.

Born on 5 February 1974 in Hof/ Saale he joined the German Forces in 1994. After basic training, he served at the Air Force Force Protection Regiment in Bayreuth and Roth, as an OR-5/ OR-6, and was serving in several positions (team leader, platoon leader, S3 Staff Sergeant).

In 2002, he became a professional soldier.

2003 he was promoted to OR-7, Master Sergeant and Chief Master Sergeant Merz was posted to the Infantry School in Hammelburg from 2003- 2008. As an Instructor for urban warfare, combat and shooting he was responsible for the young NCO's and Officier's of the German Air Force Force Protection and platoon leader courses. He also held the position of the 1st Sergeant for several months.

In 2008 he started his assignment at the Federal Office for Human Resources at Cologne. During the follow seven years he worked in the area of public affairs and recruitment in the south- west part of Germany and was promoted to OR-8, Senior Master Sergeant in 2014.

In 2015 Chief Master Sergeant Merz was selected as the Military Assistant to the Defence Attache' Office (DAO) in Israel. After his Attache' training and language training (Hebrew), he worked as head of office at the DAO from 2017 to 2021 in Tel Aviv/ Israel.

Promoted to Chief Master Sergeant in Summer 2021 he was posted to the George C. Marshall Center in Garmisch- Partenkirchen. As Deputy Chief of Registry he worked for the European Center of Security Studies for all DEU Embassies.

In July 2022 Chief Master Sergeant Merz was appointed as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader to NATO CIS Group.

Chief Master Sergeant Merz was deployed to Bosnia (ALTHEA) in 2006 and 2007 and Afghanistan (ISAF) 2008.

Andreas Merz is married to Fanny and they have three children. As a family they love sports, culture and travelling.

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