CWO Tremblay joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1996 as Radio Operator. After completing his trade qualification at Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics (CFSCE) in Kingston, he was posted to Quartier général & Escadron des transmissions (QG & Esc Trans) in Valcartiers.
With QG & Esc Trans, he began his professional journey in the Canadian Armed Forces taking part in his first deployment to Bangui in the Central African Republic. In 1998, he was posted to the 3e Battalion Royal 22e Régiment (3R22eR) and employed as signal detachment member of the Battalion Command Post. In January 1998, he was deployed to Montreal region as part of Operation RECUPERATION, the largest domestic deployment to assist local authorities in the ice storm recovery effort.
Shortly after his return, he was deployed with the Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Tomislavgrad, Balkans, with the main task of closing down the Canadian Camp.
Promoted to Master Corporal in 2004, he deployed on Operation ATHENA, Kabul, Afghanistan, as the Commander’s Signaler with the 3R22eR Battle Group. In 2007, he took part in his third deployment with the 3R22eR but this time in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
In 2008, he was selected for the Second Official Language Education and Training (SOLET) program, where he had the pleasure of learning his second language.